Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Performance Committee

Meeting to be held on 28 June 2023


Interim Update - Review of Family Group Comparative Information


Contact for further information – Jon Charters, Assistant Chief Fire Officer

Tel: 01772 866802


Executive Summary


This paper provides a brief interim update on work being progressed via the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) in relation to Family Groups and the potential for those groups to deliver comparative performance data at a future point in time.




The Performance Committee is asked to note the content of the paper.






At a previous Performance Committee meeting, Members were advised that the Service was engaged in building an understanding of the work being progressed by NFCC on the formation of new Family Groupings. Family Groupings have been used over recent years as a means of providing comparative performance data across services.


Over the last 6 months, colleagues within the Corporate Programme and Intelligence (CP&I) team have participated in several NFCC workshops across the country. These workshops have provided us with an understanding of the methodology that is being developed, and which sits behind the proposed clustering of certain fire and rescue services.


The work completed to date is the first part of a wider project that aims not only to group fire and rescue services using a data led approach, but also to provide the means by which services can access a broad range of data sets, which allows for those comparisons to be made.


Colleagues within the CP&I team continue to contribute to this national project through a collaborative, supportive approach, and by making recommendations on how to achieve the greatest benefit from the data which can be made available.


Work continues by the NFCC project team and key stakeholders, and we expect that at a future point, the revised groupings and data will provide the basis for refreshed comparative data to be brought into Committee.


Business risk


Low – Service performance is reported via the Measuring progress report quarterly.  Family groups allow for comparative context only.


Sustainability or Environmental Impact




Equality and Diversity Implications




Data Protection (GDPR)


No personal data will be processed.


HR implications




Financial implications


Waiting for the centralised delivery of the NFCC project removes the need to commit our own finite resources to developing this work.


Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers





Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: N/A